Lower Path Valley Presbyterian Church

18072 Fannettsburg Rd. East

Fannettsburg, PA 17221


Burnt Cabins

268 Grist Mill Rd

Burnt Cabins, PA 17215

LPV Regular Calendar Events

1st Wednesday Prayer Meeting at 7:00 PM at LPV

1st Sunday - Building Fund Collection

2nd Sunday -Trustees Meet after Worship Service

3rd Sunday - Session meets following worship.

3rd Saturday - Paper Recycle - Bring all non-

corrugated cardboard and papers without plastic.

4 Sunday - Food Pantry Collection - The Valley Ministries Pantry can always use non-perishable items every month.

Upcoming Events

Sundays: 6:00 PM Praise and Bible Study

February 15th: Fellowship of Love Dinner and Entertainment. CANCELLED

Lenten Services

March 5: 6:30 Community Ash Wednesday Worship at UPCPV with Pastor Ken preaching

March 11: LPV with Pastor Leon Witter

March 18: Amberson with Pastor Joe Martin

March 25: Dry Run Brethern with Pastor Darwin

April 1: Doylesburg Meth. with Pastor Laurie Parsons

April 8: Shady Pine with Pastor Devin Fink

April 18: Good Friday Spring Run Methodist with

youth pastor Aaron Mayeski

All Community Services start at 6:30


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